
We are proud to announce a wide range of workshops that you can participate in.


Namibian Labor Empire: Genocide, Migrant Labor, and the Foundations of a Colonial Economy in South West Africa (William Blakemore Lyon, Ph.D. Candidate at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Follow-Up discussions with keynote speakers

Friday morning

Internationalisation for transformation in Higher Education (John Nyambe and team)

Life Skills as a subject: Namibian and German Health Education and Teaching Approaches, and how we can benefit from each other. (Students from UNAM and UoEF)

Follow-Up discussions with keynote speakers

Friday afternoon

Teaching for Change: Curricula and Current Aspects of Life Skills Education in Home Economics – a Comparison (Prof. Marceline Fries and Prof. Dr. Anne-Marie Grundmeier)

Reckoning With the Past Through Art, Activism & Research (Julia Rensing, Ph.D. Candidate University Basel; Vitjitua Ndjiharine, artist in residence: Dekoloniale; Hildegard Titus, decolonial activist)

Follow-Up discussions with keynote speakers


Approaches to increase the well-being of children at Aussenkehr Primary School using the example of life skills activities of the Foundation <Kinder fördern – Zukunft stiften> carried out by volunteers. (Maike Reinhart and volunteers)

Health Promotion in the south context: the leap forward in social equity (Prof. Dr. Luis Saboga-Nunes and team)

Follow-Up discussions with keynote speakers